Commitment to comply with the requirements that apply to us, including legal and regulatory compliance with our activity of:
International transport management of goods by land, sea and storage in the offices of Alicante.
Provision of the necessary means that lead to the reduction of failures and prevention of their appearance.
Take advantage of the information flows that the system provides, including the information of the client and other interested parties in our company, in order to continuously improve.
The management undertakes to comply with and make available to its personnel all the necessary means to comply with the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 9001:15 standard.
Continuously improve the effectiveness of both the Quality system and the characteristics of the services offered.
Establish objectives of measurable quality and consistent with the quality policy.
Perform regular reviews of both the system and the policy in order to ensure its correctness.
To satisfy the legal and regulatory requirements that are applicable to the product.
Involvement of the staff in the achievement of the objectives and goals of the organization.
Obtain formal recognition of the level of quality achieved at each moment, by our customers.
Involvement of suppliers and subcontractors in the quality of the service offered to our customers.
In order to be successful in the stated Quality Policy, Management requests the adhesion and participation of all, at all levels, both in their individual actions and when they are part of work groups, in order to establish and maintain a System up to date. of Quality Management that ensures the satisfaction of our customers.